Bishop's Message

A message from MOST RT. REV. DR LOUIS MASCARENHAS (Bishop of Allahabad)

St. Anthony's Inter College, Pratapgarh

(Bishop of Allahabad Diocese)

I deem it my proud privilege to speak to you & greet you through the new website St. Anthony’s Inter College, Pratapgarh. Overwhelmed with joy, I send my affectionate greetings & blessings to the Principal, all the staff members-teaching & non-teaching & all our students on this happy occasion. May it bring forth added joy to all those who contribute towards this educative, memorable & effort painstaking. No doubt this is yet another way to explore the creativity, imagination & communication.

Today, the values of brotherhood, unity, justice, in our present day society is slowly deteriorating, due to which great challenges are posed before our lives. These days, the worldly needs & situations before us may tempt us to take short cuts. However, one who abides ever against these challenges proves victorious & successful in life. Our aim must always be moving from darkness to light, as the College motto: “FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT” points to each one, specially our students.

Here I want to place on record the selfless & untiring services rendered by Reverend Fathers along with the committed teaching & non teaching members of the staff & all the co-workers who unitedly work for the all round growth of St. Anthony’s Inter College, Pratapgarh. The students who daily cross the portals of this “Temple of Learning” need also to be congratulated, along with their parents, guardians & well wishers of St. Anthony’s Inter College. I wish them every success also in their future endeavors.

Once again, my message is that every student must keep oneself up to motto of St. Anthony’s Inter College “FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT”, in moving from darkness to light to be good citizens & leaders of our beloved country, India.

With every good wish, loving greetings & blessings.